Does digital learning have a future in India?

Ancient Indian education was prominently recognized for its focus on knowledge and how to root it deep within the learners. Even today Indians are ruling the world with their brilliant skills and remarkable knowledge. But recent times have proven to be challenging due to covid. Schools and colleges have been closed and the whole education system has turned digital. eLearning has an important role to play here and we are blessed with the advanced technology that has come to our aid. 

But do you think eLearning has a sound future in India? Will we go back to our traditional ways and underestimate this boon of technology? Let’s look at some of the facts before we conclude on this.

  • The Government of India hugely supports online learning. The Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) is developing tools and technology which can support online learning and has been actively creating R&D projects for a better distance or online learning, at various institutes of India.
  • Due to easier accessibility of the internet and devices, Indian users are reaching as close to the USA and China. This creates an enormous potential for online learning in India. 
  • The Indian education system is the world’s largest. This could mean a huge growth in the consumption of online learning in India. 
  • The online education market in India was worth $ 247 million in 2016, which is expected to grow by about $ 1.96 billion by 2021. That is a compound annual growth rate of 52%.
  • A lot of online learning applications are being created like, Byjus, Unacademy, Brainly which is helping students a lot even in preparing for competitive exams. 
  • Recently the Finance Minister of India, Nirmala Sitharaman, has launched 12 TV channels in the COVID times for better reach of learning to students who are unable to access the internet easily. 

What are the reasons for the growth of eLearning in India?

  • The typical topography of India has made it difficult for some students to access education. With the widespread use of the internet in all places, it is easier to impart knowledge remotely. Thus learning has better scope in remote places. 
  • eLearning platforms have gathered educators who have impeccable knowledge about different subjects. With an increase in the competitive exams, students are switching more and more towards eLearning as it is self-faced, cost-effective, and accessible. 
  • Indian working psychology revolves around training their employees and in the times of COVID, remote learning has become a trend and has a huge possibility to grow in the coming future. Refer to our blog to know how eLearning is helping businesses and enterprises.

How can eLearning benefit the working class? 

The workers are having huge benefits from learning online. Let’s see how?

  • eLearning is filling the gap between workers and their skills. Easy learning is making it possible to learn skills that help them professionally and enable them to climb the stairs of growth. 
  • People are able to work for their side hustles and grow their small businesses into a major one along with their jobs. This is possible through eLearning. 
  • Even the freshers are finding it easier to keep up with their new work and roles with the help of online training and effective learning modules. 
  • The biggest advantage of eLearning is the collaboration with people from all over the globe. This enables learning and growth like no other. 

How has eLearning benefitted you in the COVID times? Was it efficient enough to fulfil your learning needs?

Share with us in the comments below. We would love to hear your beautiful story. Happy learning, readers !!  

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