How much has eLearning grown and how can it help you?

If you reflect upon the previous year, you would realize how technology has saved education and development worldwide. From online classes to virtual training for corporates, eLearning has played a key role. The usage of eLearning started way before the pandemic and is growing exponentially now. With the coming of…

Does digital learning have a future in India?

Ancient Indian education was prominently recognized for its focus on knowledge and how to root it deep within the learners. Even today Indians are ruling the world with their brilliant skills and remarkable knowledge. But recent times have proven to be challenging due to covid. Schools and colleges have been…

How e-learning can affect your business?

If you had to define this year in one word, what would you say? I would call it the digital year. How technology has revolutionized our lives even in these challenging times is worthy of appreciation. One of the greatest assets of digitization this year has been eLearning or we…

How to increase employee engagement in your workplace?

COVID has undoubtedly turned all the tables and has revolutionized your life in ways you never imagined. Right from your personal life to the work-life, you have resiliently adapted to the changes that occurred in the previous year. Among many other major things, working from home has become another mission…

Impact of COVID 19 on Work and Development

COVID 19 has changed our whole perspective on life and work. Our lifestyle has been altered and our work life is nothing the same. How has this transition has been for you? And what differences did you feel between working from the office to now working from home? Do share…

Life of an International Student

As a young adult, the most adrenaline rushing thought is to try something out of the box and not do things to merely fit in. To unravel knowledge and to seek new learnings in the best manner possible. Our world is growing impressively and is making the impossible, possible. Making…

Make Virtual Teaching easier with some cool online tools

Teaching in school and other offline platforms have already been an adventure with trying new ways of teaching, creating new project lines, designing child-friendly assessments, etc.  With Virtual Teaching modes gaining its hype now, it ing has become a necessity but the teachers are toiling more than before to give…

E-Learning for preschoolers – BOON or BANE!

The modern households of today’s generation have taken the concept of technical aid to a whole new level and one of the best uses been put to is education and people are using E-Learning to provide the best options for their kids as well. But the real question is are…

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