Impact of COVID 19 on Work and Development

COVID 19 has changed our whole perspective on life and work. Our lifestyle has been altered and our work life is nothing the same. How has this transition has been for you? And what differences did you feel between working from the office to now working from home? Do share your experiences in the comment section below, we would love to read them. 

We all know that a human is a very stubborn species and hardly ever gives up. Even with COVID 19 causing a universal emergency, humans are evolving and their work is advancing like never before. So what is the scope of work and development in these COVID times? If you are looking for these answers, you have just landed in the right place. 

How has the work culture been affected due to COVID 19?

In times like this, human healthcare is the prime priority for any organization and authority. Work from home is the best solution the companies have agreed to without degrading their target meetups. Many large companies have decided to permanently allow workers to work from home. Global companies like Twitter, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft have decided to allow workers to work from home permanently and also given some of them a choice to work in offices but only when the situation becomes better and the restrictions are being lifted. 

Work from home is the new normalcy and the companies are building up a more digitally sound infrastructure to support employees working from home. Of course, this initiative will require a lot of cybersecurity and development in the Softwares and digital platforms but this pandemic time is all about evolution and adapting to new ways. Companies are focusing more on creating features like VDI (virtual desktop infrastructure), DaaS ( desktop as service), and Cloud based services facilitating private virtual networks. These features will completely change the dynamics of the traditional work-life that we have bound ourselves to.

Development had been huge in this period, how?

The large growth of small businesses 

Hard times call for creative solutions and small businesses ace in that. Many small businesses have grown massively and have come up to the surface in no time. Small scale business like Zoom, Hula group, Workshaala, and Bioline India, pivoted to grow and survive amidst COVID 19 pandemic. 

Sustenance of large scale businesses 

Many large businesses have taken a big lesson from the lockdown period, that is, they have realized that a lot of money on infrastructure and employees can be saved by promoting work from home culture among workers. A lot of work could also be done in this way and the monetary sustenance of companies have been aided too because of this. Entrepreneurs are really noticing this impact on their businesses and will be using this for post-COVID times too 

Opportunities for solo-preneurs 

When in the earlier times solo-preneurs had to work alone, managing everything on their alone. Now, they are collaborating with other entrepreneurs. This collaborative work had been a great help to them and has opened doors to new opportunities.

 New employment opportunities for people 

Many people, unfortunately, lost their jobs due to employment deflation, but on the brighter side, they took the help of a digital platform to come forward and to grow their field of interest into a profession. Many of them started YouTube channels and Whatsapp groups to study groups or taking online classes. Many made websites selling handcrafted goods and many freelancers were even hired by bigger companies like Amazon as the demand for digital services has increased to a notable rate. 

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So we can see that the COVID times are not about all the pessimistic things but a lot of optimism can be seen building up among people. On the whole, the impact of COVID 19 on work and development has been helpful and has made some new routes for us to walk on. What are the other ways you think this has impacted on the work culture and how has development evolved with time? Do share with us in the comment section. Stay safe !! Stay motivated !!

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