How Coronavirus has affected your work life?

Coronavirus has made the whole world turn upside down and about our work life, well, who could have thought that our wish to have a long weekend or to have a long hour working from home would be granted in such an absurd way? Who thought that we would be trapped in our own houses and we would be sitting and sulking about how much we miss our work life? But here we are, changing our whole work-life and our whole world revolves around it. I am pretty sure, you are relating to it while still thinking about how you used to rush for your office. Yes, we do miss it, even when it was chaos sometimes back then. But really, how much has it even changed?  

Are we stressing in the name of productivity?

One of the major changes has been the long hours of work. When we worked in the office, to log out from our systems or to close the office for the day meant that our work hours are finished for the day but now when we are in the house with all the access to our work, we tend to work more than we ought to in the name of productivity. Work-life has become extended and has evaded our home life as well. 

So-called work breaks, are they?

I still remember, how my friend, an IT worker, was literally in tears when he was whining of how he has to finish all his chores in the one hour break he gets from his work while remembering how he and his colleagues used to go to the canteen to get their evening tea in the same one hour break. Coronavirus has already created havoc in our heads and with the added effect of us confined in our home with no office friends has made work monotonous and dull. 

Efficacy going down in a sink

Healthy competition in the workplace is the best place to grow for any individual but without the heat and that adequate level of pressure which is missing from the new work-life has just made the workers rest happily in their comfort zones. Creativity has lowered down and everyone is happy to do the amount of work they are being asked to. Nothing less, nothing more. 

But not everything is as bad as it seems. Yes, the pandemic had been a universal teacher to teach humankind a lesson, and we as good disciples have learned what we should and have not fallen apart in the face of adversities.

The new normalcy 

The stubborn hope of a human heart and our high resilient selves always find a way to bend around the problem and have continued to do so. Working from home has paid a way to create new ideas and platform which we otherwise were too busy to think of. These creations have created the new normal work life with the physically distant environment. Companies are focusing more on creating features like VDI (virtual desktop infrastructure), DaaS ( desktop as service), and Cloud-based services facilitating private virtual networks. These features will completely change the dynamics of the traditional work-life that we have bound ourselves to.

Though the online work platform comes with a range of cyber threats. So how can we deal with it? Check out this link for some cools hacks. 

 Coronavirus has turned the whole world upside down. Let alone our work lives. But let’s not feel all blue because there is only looking upwards after this. New advances and our modified lives are never going to be the same again and as far as our work life is concerned, we are going to see a lot of things revolutionizing it all. 

I hope you found our blog useful and relatable. And as always, we wait for your feedback and queries with sincerest emotions. Share with us about how your work life has changed in this lockdown and how you are dealing with it. Happy working !! 

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